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To be the first player to get rid of all their Tangram cards.
1. Pass a Tangram out to each player.
2. Divide the Tangram cards as follows:
For a fast game
<30 min
3 different Tangram cards per player
For a long game
>30 min
5 different Tangram cards per player
3. Players place their Tangram cards next to each other in front of them.
- For beginners, the Tangram cards are turned with the white figures facing up.
- For advanced play, Tangram cards are turned with the black figures facing up.
1. The youngest player rolls the die to start the game.
- If the die falls on one of the faces below:
Players choose a figure on their Tangram cards to solve, whose background matches the color on the die.
- If the die falls on the face below:
Players choose a figure on their Tangram cards to solve, of any background color.
2. The first player to finish their Tangram shows their card with the solved figure, shouts «PRESTO TANGRAM!» and pauses the round.
Special case:
If two players shout «PRESTO TANGRAM!» at the same time, the turn doesn’t count.
The player who rolled the die last starts a new round.
3. After checking the solution (white figure), other players can either:
- Confirm the result.
In this case, the player who won the round gives his Tangram card to any player he wishes to put at a disadvantage.
- Or find an error (e.g. the Tangram pieces are badly arranged, the background of the chosen figure does not correspond to the color designated by the die, etc...).
In this case, the player who shouted «PRESTO TANGRAM!» takes a Tangram card from an opponent of their choice.
4. Whether they won or lost, the player who shouted «PRESTO TANGRAM!» rolls the die to start a new round.
The game ends as soon as a player gets rid of all their Tangram cards. This player is declared the winner.
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